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Back into AM after 50 years!

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Hello All.
This is Russ Williams, KW6T in Latrobe, California. Latrobe is a wide spot in the road about 30 miles East of Sacramento.
I obtained my Novice class ticket in 1985 with great intentions; however, a new wife came along, then a house, then a few kids, and the Novice ticket lapsed. In 2003, I licensed again as a Technician and soon thereafter, General class.

I had a Johnson Viking Ranger in the early-mid 1970's during my CB days; I loved that rig, but CB quickly lost its luster. A couple of years ago, I decided to get back into AM and started looking for another Ranger.

Today, I have eight AM plate-modulated transmitters. Three Johnsons are operational: a Ranger I, Valiant and a 500. We have ten acres but live in a CC&R community, so a cloud-burner dipole is the best HF antenna I can muster. Thankfully, the architectural review committee did approve a MA-40 tubular crank-up tower for VHF/UHF.

Looking forward to rag chewing on AM.
Russ KW6T

This topic was modified 6 months ago 2 times by KW6T-AM
Posted : 19/09/2024 12:03 am
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