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30 years of AMI

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As 2023 draws to a close, I want to acknowledge my 30 years of support and participation in AM International.
Founder Dale Gagnon, KW1I, issued me Certificate No. 7 at the Dayton Hamvention in 1993, when the new AMI was unveiled at the hamfest's AM Forum.

While the visibility has gone up and down in the years since then, the group's mission on behalf of our part of the hobby has never been compromised.

I wish you the best at promoting the visibility of AM on HF, encouraging outsiders to come join us, and to be vigilant against any regulatory or political moves that could undercut what we enjoy in recreational radio.

In the time since I last logged in to see what's going on here, I notice you've created a Facebook page for AMI, John. Good move. I help manage a Facebook group for our part of the hobby more generally, and also would like to point out a sub-page on entitled Amplitude Modulation.

In the past 30 years, we have seen a dramatic turnaround at the ARRL regarding AM on HF. I believe groundbreaking organizations like AMI can take a bow for helping convince the people in Newington that we deserve consideration on a par with any other aspect of the hobby. It began to come to pass at the League when the group's CEO, Tom Gallagher, NY2RF, made AM part of his Executive Agenda at the ARRL.

The results include the permanent selection of AM on the W1AW weeknight voice bulletins on 7290; the station's purchase of the Super Senior transmitter currently in production from Index Labs; the featured repair, retuning, and use of a retired AM broadcast transmitter at the ARRL's Lab, and continued, specific support for our part of the hobby in the League's promotional thinking, publishing activities, and regulatory deliberation.

One would never have thought the ARRL would embrace our part of the hobby so significantly.

Thanks again to AMI for helping lead the way.

Posted : 29/12/2023 3:26 pm
N9AMI reacted
Posts: 76
Estimable Member Admin

I would like to say thank you sir for your many years of support in all aspects AM. I was very happy to hear about the support from Tom making AM a priority. There are some important things to come in the next few months that will show even more support for Amplitude Modulation and its many supporters. Truthfully I had totally lost all faith in the ARRL because of the lack of support for AM. Long story short oh 12 years ago or so I had a face to face with a vp (not in the mix anymore) at ARRL and asked about support or lack of for AMers. I was told in short we don't matter and we are the minority. So I walked away from the ARRL. Circa 2023 and the on air light has been turned on at the ARRL headquarters. I and my wife have joined up again. I had great support for the promotion of the AMI Jamboree from John Ross the News Editor KD8IDJ. And I am looking forward to future interactions.

I think there is room for everyone's interests in the hobby be it AM, FT8 or contesting. Everyone needs to get along and enjoy our hobby. No one is "king" of the bands and respect is cruical. All anyone wants is to enjoy amatuer radio. So lets move forward with that in mind into 2024 and beyond.

John McGrath N9AMI
AMI# 1488
Executive Director

Posted : 29/12/2023 6:03 pm
Posts: 1
New Member Registered

Congrats on establishing a newsletter, John. I'm still doing AM after first license in 1954, and I don't sell any AM acquisitions, including Globe King, KWS-1, many A-line and S-line, as well as dozens of small Heath, Halli, RME, C.E, Lettine and Globe. Looking forward to the news.

Elliott, K6EL / K6ILM
AMI #999

Posted : 19/09/2024 2:13 am
N9AMI reacted