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Again welcome to the AMI forum. As stated in my introduction running one of these is new to me although I have built many websites never have I ever ran a forum. So bare with things here. I am sure there will be some forum catagory changes, color changes, header picture isn't great either. But, it is fully running so sign up, post, discuss and have fun here.    John N9AMI 

John McGrath N9AMI
AMI# 1488
Executive Director

Posted : 08/12/2022 5:18 am
Posts: 6
Active Member Registered
  • John, I also sent best wishes along via your "Contact" page. 

You may have a set of AMI-related historical records, newsletters, and event results that could be appropriately compiled on a non-profit, public website called archive dot org.

The general interest site recently stood up a category intended to preserve material related to Amateur Radio. I corresponded with the curator, who subsequently granted the AM community a sub-page considered a "Collection."

There is no charge. Their efforts are funded by grants, sponsorships, and financial donations.

The idea is to form and seek contributions to a repository of AM-related photos, sound files, videos, vintage QSL cards, equipment brochures,  and anything else distinct to AM on HF.

Please consider, and I would connect you.






This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by WA3VJB-AM
Posted : 31/12/2022 2:09 am
Posts: 6
Active Member Registered

John, in years past there was an AMI "newsletter" that was published monthly in Electric Radio. Since these manuscripts date back nearly all 30 years of AM International, the material might be something you would want to archive at the website I mentioned.  This would ensure that the historical record of the group has a redundant place to be preserved.

The curator of the DLARC category on archive dot org created an AM on HF "collection."  Myself and Dan, W1DAN, have thus far been the main contributors as you can see from the collection entries so far.  The nice thing about the destination is that it supports a mix of videos, audio files, documents and photos. There is a way of uploading materials of given subject matter so that they are grouped for easy search and retrieval.

Posted : 31/12/2022 8:09 pm
Posts: 76
Estimable Member Admin
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  Hey thanks for that info. I think I have a few of the ER AMI updates but probably not all. I am sure Dale has more stuff he could also put up there. Espeically with photos and such. I will take a look at some of the other copy I have from Dale and see if I can come up with something to add. I will definatly keep this info at hand.



John McGrath N9AMI
AMI# 1488
Executive Director

Posted : 31/12/2022 10:14 pm